Wolverines ready to top off Homecoming week
Nancy Grindstaff
Weiser High School’s 2024 Homecoming has been playing out this week with daily, Wolverine-spirited activities all week long.
Today, Thursday, Sept. 12, students will attend first period classes before one last assembly in the gym for this week, and then class groups will put their parade floats together for today’s Homecoming Parade, which starts at 1 p.m.
The parade’s route begins from the high school’s west parking lot, south on West 7th Street to Pioneer Road, east on Pioneer to State Street, south on State Street to Idaho Street, east on Idaho to East 4th Street, north on East 4th and ending near Memorial Park.
The annual after parade assembly and powerpuff football game is set for 2 p.m. at Roy Dickerson Memorial football field.
But, before the parade, the Homecoming Queen and King coronation is set for 11:30 a.m., with all of the nominees on stage in the high school auditorium. This year’s nominees are: Hali Blanchard, Halle Seward, Kamryn Doty, Tatem Clary, Jordan Stromberg, Diego Delgadillo, Kolin Cook, Kash Cobb, Stockton Young, and Ryan Youngberg.
Friday night’s, Sept. 13, Homecoming football game against Melba is scheduled for kickoff at 7 p.m., and will be followed by a street dance on the field for the students until 11 p.m.
At halftime, the Smith Auto of Weiser car raffle for a 2023 Dodge Hornet will be drawn. All of the raffle’s proceeds are benefitting Weiser schools and student organizations within them, with the raffle ticket buyers designating which school or organization they wished their donations to go to. During Monday’s, Sept. 9, monthly school board meeting, Superintendent Kenneth Dewlen reported the donations from the six-month raffle totaled approximately $36,000.
Good luck against Melba, Weiser football. It’s always a great day to be a Wolverine.
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