Weiser School District looks to beef up cell phone policy
Nancy Grindstaff
With an offer of $5,000 on the table from Governor Brad Little and Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield’s executive order titled “Phone Free Learning Act,” Weiser School Trustees will be bringing a school wide policy approved in 2022 back to the table either next month or, at least, before the end of the current school year.
“When kids are more concerned about what’s happening on their cell phones than what they are learning in class, we need to respond. Cell phones, and social media in particular, present negative effects on young Idahoans’ mental health and learning environments. We are encouraging school districts to adopt cell phone restriction policies that best fit the students, families, and teachers they serve,” Governor Little said in an Oct. 31 press release.
Critchfield followed up with, “Research has shown that phones have changed our kids’ brains and that their presence in the classroom makes learning more difficult. This gives our students the break they need so they can focus their full attention on what they’re at school to do – learn. Thoughtful policies implemented will support parents, schools and communities in setting their students up for academic success.”
During a discussion at the Weiser School Board’s Monday, Nov. 11, monthly meeting WSD Superintendent Kenneth Dewlen told the board changes to the existing policy could be minimal.
“We have the choice to pick and choose from the policy Mrs. Critchfield and the Governor has put out, but with that, $5k comes to the school district if we accept the policy, and we never want to turn down free money,” Dewlen said. “However, since we made it a priority this year, I can count on two hands the number of times we’ve had a phone violation at the middle or high schools. What we’re doing is working, however, we can incorporate this and accept it and receive the funds.”
In the beefed up policy, trustees will be looking at options under the limitations placed on permissible uses of electronic devices; restrictions on the time and location they may be used by students, which includes plans for their use in emergency situations; and where students will store them during the hours there use isn’t permitted.
“Are there any questions about why we would look at that?” board chairman Jim Brush asked. “The only reason I would say we wouldn’t want to accept free money is if there’s something tied to it.”
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