How do you improve on 100 percent?

Dear Editor:
 I recently read about a “hometown” candidate announcing he’s running for the District 9 legislative seat currently occupied by Representative Jacyn Gallagher. Why?
 Rep. Gallagher just completed her first term with an exemplary record. She ran on a platform of adherence to the Constitutions of Idaho and the U.S., along with principled, fiscal responsibility and transparency. Gallagher is not beholden to corporations. She is totally accessible to her constituents and last week she received an award from CPAC for having a 100 percent score when it comes to voting for Constitutional legislation. (Also has 100 percent with IFF and JBS) You can’t get any better than that. She’s done exactly what she said she would do and we are so fortunate to have her.
 So why would another Republican run against her? Perhaps it is because the corporations want someone who will “play ball.” Perhaps the “Good 0l’ Boy,” “Establishment Republicans” (aka Uni-party members) and IACI need someone else in that seat.
 You can’t improve on 100 percent, so we should all vote for Jacyn Gallagher, the principled incumbent candidate.
Carolyn Kiesz, 
Midvale, Idaho


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