Candidates visit Weiser

Several Republican candidates vying for Idaho seats in the upcoming Nov. 8 midterm elections visited Weiser on Oct. 19.
 Sponsored by the Washington County Federation of Republican Women, the meet-and-greet event was held at Weiser Classic Candy where local residents listened to candidates speak about their respective platforms.
 Chapter President, Margaret Jensen, moderated the question session following a brief introduction by each candidate.
 On hand was Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, Scott Bedke, State Controller candidate Brandon Woolf, Secretary of State candidate Phil McGrane, and candidate for state Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield.
 U.S. Senator Mike Crapo was scheduled to attend, but was unable due to flight delays.
 Attendees were given the opportunity to ask the candidates questions on a variety of topics ranging from open borders to what is being taught in Idaho’s public school system.
 “My vision rests on how we develop skills and prepare our students not only for the 21st century but for a growing state and its communities,” Critchfield told attendees. 
 One Weiser resident asked what she meant by “preparing students for the 21st century.”
 “I’m not talking about engineering values or leading students to certain conclusions about who they are and what they should believe, but that we are getting back to the basics of reading and math and what you can do with the knowledge that you have that makes you a productive citizen,” Critchfield said in response.
 She was also asked about her plans, if elected, to promote core Idaho values and “less social curriculum.”
 “Focusing on core values is a priority,” she said. “But the statutory authority for those decisions is at the local level. Local decisions often reflect a state priority and state guidance in leadership. So, from the superintendent’s office, we [coordinate] our action with local boards to direct them towards the books and materials that reflect Idaho values.”
 The conversation, among other topics, shifted to border policy, some asking Bedke about the effects it has had on Idaho and what can be done about it.
 “The federal policies of the open southern border are harming our nation and harming our state,” he said in response. “We need to look no further than the fentanyl problems and drug problems that we have in our state. It boggles my mind how the democrats, who control the federal government, can justify an open southern border.”
 Bedke said the primary thing that needs to be done to change that policy is to regain control of both the U.S. House and Senate.
 First Vice-Chair of the Idaho Republican Party, Daniel Silver, who also attended the event, built on the importance of voter turnout.
 “I was astounded at how many people – when I looked at the primary races – lost by two votes, or 10 votes. Every vote matters, and so I really want to encourage people to do their research. Find the Republican candidates ... and give them your support.”
 Visit or more information on Idaho’s Republican candidates.


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