Too many doubts and concerns on vaccinations
Dear Editor:
I agree with the letter writer’s sentiment (“Vaccines should not have become politicized” published in the Nov. 22 issue of the Weiser Signal American), but disagree with the conclusions and sources specified.
I believe that getting vaccinated is an individual choice, and disagreed strongly with the mandates and other punitive measures previously implemented against those that chose not to be vaccinated.
The letter writer quotes the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins as sources, yet in my research, they were no better than WebMD. Instead, I read articles written by Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Ryan Cole, a noted pathologist from the Boise area, who noted irregularities in cadavers of those who received the vaccine, and Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has shown Ivermectin a superior treatment without the side effects of the vaccine, among others, which were also noted by Laura Demaray in the original Signal American article, many of whom were previously criticized for their opinions, but which are now coming to pass.
Beyond that, I have a personal connection to all of this. My brother developed myocarditis and died three months after receiving his COVID-19 booster shot, and my sister was diagnosed with cancer shortly after receiving hers, and has since passed away. Neither had any prior diagnosis of these conditions, both of which are known side-effects of the vaccine, and both conditions were also documented in the VAERS report of the CDC, with over 27,000 cases of myocarditis alone.
Keep in mind that since the COVID-19 vaccines were released under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), they were not subjected to the redundant clinical trials that are normally mandated for such vaccines, and also prevent those suffering from their side effects from seeking litigation against the manufacturers, all red flags, in my opinion.
So, if you desire to receive the vaccination, that is your right, but for myself, there are too many doubts and concerns associated with it that I’ll abstain from receiving this untested, experimental vaccine.
I applaud the Washington County Commissioners for having the courage to stand behind this issue in the face of the unsupported claims about the vaccine that pervade the media.
David Martson
Weiser, Idaho
Signal American
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Weiser, ID 83672
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