Swimming pool hours change, football and soccer signup begins

Mayor Randy Hibberd
Last week I came home and was barely able to get inside. There was a new house constructed just inside the front door. Please let me give some background. 
 A while back, Cathy had bought the grandsons a kit for constructing with cardboard. The kit included a scoring tool, hole punch, a dull cutting blade, a screwdriver, and plastic cardboard tools. So, the indoor house that was sitting in our living room was decked out with usable doors, inner rooms with their own doors, windows, chimney like skylights, and other features. Of course, the house was accessible only to those who were able to crawl on their hands and knees and squeeze through small openings. But, hey, it was still a house. 
 Other creations have included superhero outfits, swords with sheaths, wings, and I’m not sure what else. It is sure fun and interesting how creative the boys can get with simple things that would normally get scraped. Being a grandparent is great!
 Whew! Boy is it hot! Just a couple of weeks ago in our Monday morning department managers meeting, I had told everyone to stay warm out there when I think overnight lows were in the 30’s. I guess Mother Nature took me literally. So, the new word is to stay cool and stay hydrated. 
 On the matter of staying cool, I regret to let you know that the swimming pool’s hours need to be modified. I’ve mentioned several times in this weekly post that the Weiser City Swimming Pool needs more lifeguards. Well, we have not been able to attract as many guards as we would have liked. 
 So, in order to keep from burning out our present guards and to encourage them to continue as guards in the future, the swimming pool will be closed for evening swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also, the pool will not be booking any private parties for the remainder of the season. The parties that have already been booked will be honored. It is just that we do not have guard power to schedule more events. We would appreciate your understanding of this modified schedule and apologize for this change. Our lifeguards are good, responsible, kids willing to put in the hours to provide a fun and safe swimming environment. We want to encourage them in these traits by not exploiting them.
 Moving along with recreational schedules, it doesn’t seem like it, but it is already time to start thinking about football and soccer. 
 With that being said, registration has begun for third through sixth grade tackle football. The registration fee for city residents is $65 per child and $70 for county residents. The signup deadline is Wednesday, Aug. 7. 
 Also, there will be a football camp on July 31 for you future NFL players from third grade through eighth grade put on by the Weiser High School football program. Those who don’t plan on joining the NFL are also encouraged to attend. The cost for all participants is $50 per footballer regardless of residence.
 Sign ups for first through sixth grade soccer have also started. Registration fees are $35 for city residents and $40 for county residents. The registration deadline is also Wednesday, Aug. 7.
 If you have any questions, please contact Ken or Jhonna at the Recreation office in the Vendome or give them a call at 208-414-0301. 
 The Recreation Department is often asked why there is a difference between the fees for city and county residents. The reason is that the city residents pay a separate tax levy specifically to support the recreation department that the county residents do not. So, the difference in registration fees is an attempt to equalize the cost for everyone. 
 Well, that’s it for this week. I hope that you have a cool comfortable week. Weiser really is a great place to live, work, and play (especially if you enjoy swimming, football, or soccer!)


Signal American

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Weiser, ID 83672
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