Santa’s arrival opens the holidays with a festive bang

Mayor Randy Hibberd
Wasn’t the Christmas Parade last Friday evening great! There were so many floats, kids riding horseback, kids representing classes, 4-H groups, and ArrowHeart entertaining the crowd. It was also a lot of fun watching the children (of all ages) scramble for candy and then to see their reaction when Santa came into view.  
 I want to say a great big thank you to the Weiser Chamber of Commerce for again sponsoring this great tradition!
 I also want to give a shout out to Pete Nye, of the wastewater department, Bill Taylor, the water department manager, and Bill’s wife, Ginger Taylor for the wonderful fireworks display at the Christmas Parade finale on Friday night. Preparing the display and setting it off takes quite a bit of effort. So, thank you Pete, Ginger, and Bill for your hard work and dedication in providing this great entertainment.  
 Also, Bill would like you to know if you enjoyed the fireworks display, to please help support the fireworks fundraisers throughout the year. It costs approximately $12,000 for each of the Christmas and 4th of July fireworks.  The vast majority of this comes from donations. So, please help support the fireworks fundraising events.
 In City news this week, Lieutenant Troy Krahn of the Weiser Police would like you to know that the police department will be stepping up patrols for DUIs this holiday season.  The Weiser Police regularly receive grants from the Idaho Transportation Department to target specific driving situations. 
 Often the target is such things as seat belts, distracted driving, etc. Now the emphasis will be DUIs.  The grants help pay for overtime needed to pay officers for the additional time needed to provide this targeted enforcement. 
 So, the City would like to remind you that if you are using alcoholic drinks while away from home this festive season, please plan ahead of time to make it home safely. The Weiser City Police officers would rather that you be aware in advance about the stepped-up attention to DUIs than to deal with the aftermath of intoxicated driving. Prevention is definitely better than the alternative when it comes to DUIs.
 In addition, Ron McDaniel, the street department manager, would like you to know that the City is temporarily suspending the Adopt-A-Truck program as is done each winter. As you may know, the Adopt-A-Truck program is designed to help residents clean up their yards, haul away construction scraps, do some serious housecleaning, etc. Since these activities slow down in the winter months, the program is suspended each year until the weather is better. You see, the City is trying to give you a reason to put the honey-do’s aside, relax, and read a book or watch TV by the fire.  We know what’s important. We’ve got your back. 
 Also, the leaf pickup is going well.  Although the snow and rain have slowed the process down a bit due to heavier leaves, by the time you read this, the west side of town should have had the first pass completed.  Once all sections of town have had the once over, the leaf pickup will continue until all leaf piles have been collected.  So, please be patient if your leaves have not yet been removed. The crew is being methodical in the leaf collecting to be efficient.  
 Again, please do not park on top of leaf piles. Also please park several feet from the piles. This allows the vacuum crew to reach the leaves. The hose on the City’s vacuum is about two feet wide, is difficult to manhandle, and does not extend far from the ground. Due to these limitations, having some room for the vacuum trailer to maneuver is essential. So, please help the hard-working leaf crew by giving them some space to work for you.
 Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you have a very merry Christmas Season.


Signal American

18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
PH: (208) 549-1717
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