Need a year-end tax deduction?
Dear Editor,
If you’re looking for a year-end tax deduction, I have one for you.
If you read my letter to the editor in the Nov. 22 edition of the Weiser Signal American, the Weiser Senior Center needs its mortgage paid off. So, our challenge for donations from Weiser and Washington County, and those wanting to help out has been $1,000, BUT it can be any amount, more or less.
The goal is to pay off the mortgage as soon as possible, so if you would like to help a great cause and get a good tax write-off at the same time, please make a donation to the Weiser Activity Center for Seniors.
If you read the Nov. 8 and Nov. 15 issues of the Signal American, it was like the mortgage had been a secret and nobody knew that the center was carrying that debt. Since then, there has been a tremendous response, and I want to challenge you as individuals and groups or organizations to talk with each other, your families, friends, and neighbors, pool some resources, and help keep the momentum going, so this mortgage can be put in the rear view mirror.
We all together can take an interest in getting this done, and then tackle some other projects together next year.
Steve Cooper.
Weiser, Idaho
Signal American
18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
PH: (208) 549-1717
FAX: (208) 549-1718
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