County’s property revaluation process is overreaching

Dear Editor:
 This week The Washington County Assessor’s Office sent out notices that they will be conducting property revaluations in our area for the 2024 Assessment Year. 
 This involves county appraisers visiting your property, taking photos, and documenting any changes you have made to your property inside and out.
 In my decades of home ownership in multiple states and counties, I have never experienced such overreach with respect to assessing home values. In my opinion, this is a gross invasion of privacy and personal property rights that serves only one purpose, to increase your assessed value and property taxes.  
 Property appraisals are arbitrary and the opinion of the person doing the appraisal. If you have ever had a home appraised, you can have multiple appraisals and your house will be appraised for different values.
 Property values for taxes should be based on lot size, square feet of the home, outbuildings if any and the purchase price of your home if applicable.
 Improvements inside your home or to your property should not be a factor for tax purposes. 
 Just because some people choose to do more than others does not mean they should pay higher taxes for similar size homes on similar size lots. The county does not see it that way. They see everything you do to your home to improve your life as another reason to raise your taxes. What you have in your home and behind your fence is no one’s business but yours.
 You are not required to allow the county on your property or in your home. If they knock on your door, refuse entry and request that they leave your property.  Better yet, call the county and let them know that your property is off limits to them including any drone or aerial device access then follow that call up with a letter.
 If enough people stand up to this overreach, maybe we can effect change.
Christina Stanley


Signal American

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