Several payment options are available to pay city utility bills

Mayor Randy Hibberd
I sincerely hope that all of you mothers had a great Mother’s Day last Sunday! Cathy and I went to dinner on Friday night and had a get-together with family, on Saturday.  
 On Sunday, we went for a drive to find a “road” we had not been on before. We found just such a road heading up Indianhead. We were able to get about halfway up the hill before coming to something of a fence and a no trespassing sign. It was just as well to stop there as it looked like the “road” deteriorate beyond the fence. 
 We stopped for a few minutes to let the dog walk and to just take in the view. The Snake River spread out below us. With the spring greenery, gray clouded sky with blue patches peeking through, the view was spectacular.  
 You don’t have to go far from Weiser to enjoy the scenery!  
 On to city business, Natasha McDaniel the city clerk would like to let you know about all of the payment options you have for paying your city utility bill.
 The city is excited to share with the public all the convenient ways you have to pay your utility bills now. As always, we accept check, cash, money orders, and debit/credit. You also have the option to go to and select paying online. 
 When you select pay online it will take you to InvoiceCloud where you will enter your account number with no periods or spaces. Once you pull up your account, you have a lot of options. You can register your account, view current and past invoices, set up automatic payments, schedule payments or just pay the current billing.  
 Using InvoiceCloud also sets you up for multiple reminders. Whether you choose email reminders, text reminders or both you can now get up to three reminders that you have a bill due. 
 From any of those reminders, selecting pay now will take you directly to entering your debit/credit card or bank account to pay your bill. If at any point you find yourself needing assistance, please call the office and we will walk you through all the options available. 


Signal American

18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
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