Planning a yard sale? Please do not hang signs on poles

Mayor Randy Hibberd
It is interesting how children’s interests change over time. This last weekend, Cathy and I met with family to camp at Goose Lake. For us, there is one special spot on the north end of the lake at the end of the lane. The site is rather isolated next to the stream feeding Goose Lake. Although it is a little treacherous getting into and out of, it is a great spot for a small group to camp together. 
 We had a canoe, kayak, bicycles, games, hikes planned, etc. However, the boys spent most of their time playing in the two hammocks we had set up. 
 One of their favorite things was to wrap themselves up like a cocoon and then hang inverted in the hammock. I still don’t know how they did this, but there was only one time that one of them fell out. Amazing! I knew I didn’t have enough medical insurance to even attempt what they were doing. 
 This camping trip was made even better because the boys have had swimming lessons and have reached an age where the adults do not have to keep as close of an eye on them as we had in the past. There is a part of me that is sad because they are no longer little, but it is also great to see them grow and become their own people. 
 Speaking of growing and becoming, many of you may be aware that there were some staffing changes made several months ago when responsibilities were spread amongst various members of the staff. When these changes were made, I was confident that given time the staff would be able to handle the new duties and responsibilities. What I was not aware of was how quickly the staff members would be able to learn, adjust, and thrive in their new positions. 
 I am talking about Natasha McDaniel as city clerk, IT liaison, risk manager, and human resources clerk, Mike Campbell as public works director and budget manager, Dave Loos as building inspector and planning and zoning director, Margaret Taggert as treasurer, Bri Chaney as assistant billing clerk, and Sheri Breaux with increased human resources. Oh, and their teamwork is a beautiful thing to see! I could not be more pleased, and you should be proud of these dedicated employees who work to make your City run smoothly. If you happen to be in the office or see them on the street, please thank them for their hard work and efforts. 
 In other City business, I have a repeat announcement. If you are one of those people who do not have yard sales, you can skip this part. 
 If you do or are ever planning a yard sale, Wayne Wallace from the electrical department would like to have me remind you not to attach yard sale signs to power poles. Again, the small holes made when attaching the yard sale signs may not seem to be much of a problem. However, the tiny holes from a staple can allow wood loving bugs to get past the treated exterior and into the fresh wood inside that is so tasty. 
 The critters, which multiply, can then weaken the interior to the point of causing the pole to fail. Talk about an accident waiting to happen! 
 Since Weiser has its own power system, which is provided at considerable savings over Idaho Power, it is in all our best interest to protect our power infrastructure so that costs can stay reduced. 
 Well, that’s it for this week! Hope you are enjoying Weiser and your summer! Weiser really is a great place to live, work, and play!


Signal American

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Weiser, ID 83672
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