Congressional term limits
Dear Editor,
Do you think that our incumbent Congress can write a term limit plan for congressional members that is superior to the plan written in 1787 and ratified in our Constitution? Senator Cruz seems to think so. See article I, sections 2 and 3.
In 2016 I voted for Mr. Cruz, for POTUS. But since then, he has accumulated about seven more years of incumbent life; and I fear he has outlived his patriotic fervor, “sorry ‘bout that”; but, you see, our Constitutional term limit plan, for Congress, suggests that We The People (WTP) allow only one two-year term for the House, and only one six-year term for the Senate. That is the Supreme Law of the land, see article VI, clause 2.
If any member of Congress wishes to do something patriotic for our Republic, may I suggest this:
1. Revoke all the legislative and judicial power from every executive, congressional, and judicial branch regulatory agency.
2. Stop usurping powers WTP did not enumerate for Congress, see article 1, section 8.
3. Repeal the 17th Amendment.
Ralph Wilson
Signal American
18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
PH: (208) 549-1717
FAX: (208) 549-1718
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