City offers dump trucks for yard cleanup
Dear Editor:
One of the benefits of living in the City of Weiser is the use of the city dump trucks.
For those of you not familiar with the service, the city provides dump trucks
to residents, fee free for yard and other debris. They drop it off after 4 p.m., you fill it up and they pick it up the next morning during the week.
If you get the truck on Friday, you have it the entire weekend with pick up
on Monday morning. There are a limited number of trucks, so reservations are required. Reservations can be made at the City of Weiser office.
Every now and again, I see these trucks dropped off, not utilized by the resident, and picked up empty. Since there are a limited number of trucks,
having a truck and not using it may have prevented someone else from getting
a truck. City resources are also wasted in bringing and picking up the truck from the residence.
City resources are the residents’ resources. There is no service that the city provides that is not taxpayer or fee funded. When I see a truck go unused, I feel that mine and my neighbors’ money is wasted.
Just because you are not paying for this service at the time of use does not mean it is free and should be treated no differently than if you had to rent the truck and haul the debris away yourself.
We are lucky in Weiser. Our city services – electric, garbage pickup and water/sewer cost are extremely low, and the services are seldom disrupted.
These service rates are among the lowest in the country, with our electrical rate being the lowest. Our garbage is picked up twice a week instead of once, we have the dump truck service and many of us have irrigation services
that augment our water/sewer costs. We also have seasonal leaf and alley debris removal. Many of these services are not offered in other communities or are offered at additional cost.
I appreciate all the services offered by our city and encourage everyone to
be good stewards of the extra benefits such as the dump truck program that is provided.
Christina Marie Stanley
Weiser, Idaho
Signal American
18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
PH: (208) 549-1717
FAX: (208) 549-1718
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