City crews did an amazing job of removing the snow off our streets

You may have noticed that there was not a column from me in last week’s paper. Cathy and I took a few days off to go visit the coast. 
 Going to the coast in the late fall is probably not most people’s preferable time to visit; however, to me there is no bad weather or bad time to be at the ocean. To me, watching the waves and walking on the beach is soothing, even in stormy weather. 
 We came back home to SNOW. Actually, there was more precipitation here in Weiser than on the Oregon Coast, which was odd.
 Speaking of snow, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the city employees who have spent many long hours this last week scraping, piling, and removing snow from the streets. On Sunday Dec. 4 when it first snowed, they came in at 10 in the evening and spent all night working the equipment to get the streets cleared as much as possible. 
 Then, when we received the second round of snow in the middle of last week, our city crew again came in at 4 a.m. and went into overdrive – grading…piling…and removing the snow…working through the weekend…and on into the week. The crew wanted to take advantage of the warmer temperatures to get as much snow removed as possible before the freezing set in. 
 Oh, and by the way, the guys have averaged between removing 50 to 100 dump-trucks of snow per day! That is a lot of snow! 
 If you are curious as to what happens to that snow once removed, you can visit the west side of the train station, the sanding lot north of Western Timber, or out at the far end of the soccer complex to find out. There are impressive stacks of snow for your viewing pleasure. 
 When it snows enough to plow the streets, a lot of people do not realize that employees from all departments jump in to help. Employees along with their managers from your water, wastewater, recreation, garbage, building, Vendome, and of course, the street departments all kick into gear. Even the mechanic is on duty to handle problems with our aging equipment. Our city’s teamwork is really amazing. 
 Also, remember that all of this is done while keeping all of the other services going. The water department still brings you water. The wastewater still removes the waste before it goes back into the river. The electrical department still provides power. The recreation department still oversees youth basketball games. The garbage is still collected, etc.
 So, good job guys! You are much appreciated.
 As far as city business is concerned, there is not much else going on right now. (I guess that goes without saying.)
 So, that’s it for this week. I hope your Christmas Season is going according to plan! Have a great week!


Signal American

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Weiser, ID 83672
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