City adopt-a-truck program is free for residents with big projects

Mayor Randy Hibberd
I don’t think I have ever heard the saying “March showers, bring April flowers.” I always thought it was supposed to be something about April and May. But, I seem to get mixed up about these things more often as I get older. Who knows?
 Please forgive me for being flippant about the rain. As someone who has lived in Idaho for the vast majority of their life, I understand that the water we are getting is a precious commodity. The rain and snow end up filling our reservoirs where it is stored for use to irrigate farmland and provide water for our cities in the dry months. Much of what isn’t caught in reservoirs soaks into the ground to regenerate the ground water and aquafers to supply water for homes and businesses in the countryside. 
 So, I am always grateful for the water. It is just that this time of year, it is interfering with plans to get out and do spring projects and activities, like alley clean-up and leveling, getting sports fields ready, putting lights into the football field poles, etc. 
 The only city service that benefits from the rain is the street sweeper. Normally, the street sweeper has to wet the street down as it goes in order to keep down the dust and allow the brushes to efficiently pick up dirt and debris. The rain does this job for him. So, you may have noticed, the sweeper is taking full advantage of what Mother Nature is offering right now!
 Speaking of getting fields ready, spring sports will be in full swing soon. Also, Spring Break begins this Thursday, March 23, and will continue through April 2. So, as you are driving, please be aware of increased pedestrian, bicycle, skate-board, and scooter traffic on the streets as younger persons are making the rounds and having fun.  
 As for city business, I asked Natasha McDaniel your city clerk if there was anything that should be mentioned in the paper this week. It turns out there were several items. 
 The Adopt-A-Truck service is starting up again for the year. For those of you who may not know, this is a free service the city offers from spring through fall to help residents with those large projects around the house. 
 Simply contact the city office to reserve a dump truck for the evening or weekend. A City employee will deliver the truck to the spot you choose at the close of business on the date requested. The following morning, they will be back to pick it up and haul it to the dump. For further information, just call the city at (208) 414-1965 or come in for details. It really is a great and simple way to take care of project clean-up.
 Also, while we are on the subject of getting rid of things, have you noticed that the garbage bins in the alleys and in the streets are not as overflowing as they used to be? That is because a while back, the city went from weekly garbage pickup from fall through spring, to twice-a-week pickup year-round. I hope you like the difference. 
 In addition, Natasha would like you to know that if you would like your utility bill to be in equal payments throughout the year, now is the time to contact City Hall. The clerk will analyze your usage for a year, add a small amount as a buffer, and arrive at an equal amount that will start in May. It is a simple way to know what your bill will be and to even out the seasonal highs and lows. The level-pay program is another free service offered by the city.
 One other item, that came up in our weekly manager’s meeting is the supervisors would like your help with clarity when you are calling in after hours for assistance. Please be sure to give your name, address, return phone number, and a detailed message. It would also not hurt to call back during business hours to make sure the message is received. Having clear, precise information will help ensure you receive the help you need in a timely manner. We are here to help in any way we can.
 Well, that’s it for this week. In spite of the weather, Weiser is a great place to live, work, and play!


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