The bureaucratic baloney just never ends
Dear Editor,
Seven decades and seven years ago, the U.S. Congress, chosen by We the People (WTP), created the Administrative State when the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) was activated by simple statute; not by amendment, the Constitutional procedure.
The APA delegated legislative power to all those executive branch agencies, hundreds of them. Over the years that legislative power has morphed into legislative, executive, and judicial powers, as well as thousands of agency bureaucrats, and every agency began writing laws for Congress and messing with the constitutional private rights and the freedoms of WTP.
Who is to blame for this un-constitutional governmental, bureaucratic blunder? You probably will not like to hear that the callous culprits for this catastrophe are WTP – that is right, it is you and it is me. Unfortunately, we the citizens of the several states having sat blindly on the side lines allowing our politicians to do as they pleased for the last 100 plus years.
Witness our national debt, at some 34 trillion dollars, and the governmental agency bureaucrats all clambering to transform our Republic into a dictatorship or worse.
Are WTP, that is you and I, going to allow the demise of our Republic to occur without a fight? May GOD give us the intestinal fortitude to answer that with a resounding HELL NO!
Now, WTP find ourselves shouldering the burden of corrective action without assistance from the POTUS, SCOTUS, Congress, or the news media, In fact, this group of people, they are our U.S. government and the press and are numbered amongst WTP, will fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo.
Every member of the House and one third of the Senate must be chosen every second year by WTP. Therefore, WTP must read and study article I, section 2, clause 1, and section 3, clause 1 and 2. The few words referenced strongly imply that WTP should never vote for an incumbent legislator.
Ralph Wilson
Signal American
18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
PH: (208) 549-1717
FAX: (208) 549-1718
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