ADHD – A brief summary

Crystal Linn
More than eight million American adults have been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder) and there is no way of calculating how many citizens with this condition have not been diagnosed.
 While there are other forms of hyperactivity the focus of this article is only on ADHD and the subject was requested by one of our faithful readers.
 The clinical definition of ADHD is an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors which interfere with normal daily functioning. There is a long list of symptoms. Here are a few of the more well-known ones.
 • A lack of attention to detail.
 • Inability to focus or prioritize, with poor organizational skills.
 • Continually losing or misplacing things.
 • Forgetfulness along with restlessness and edginess, overly emotional.
 • Blurting out responses and interrupting others.
 • Inability to deal with stress and having extreme impatience.
 Two rarely discussed symptoms are the ability to hyper-focus on an enjoyable activity and eating disorders.
 Some conditions may accelerate adult ADHD such as poor sleep, stressful life events, medical conditions, including medication side effects, and nutritional deficiencies.
 Neuroscience including brain imaging and clinical research has shown ADHD is a developmental impairment in the brain’s self-management system. It is not a behavioral disorder even though for generations experts believed this condition was behavior based.
 ADHD, like many brain malfunctions, is often challenging to diagnosis because so many of them have overlapping symptoms. One example is ADHD is not on the Autism spectrum though the two share similar symptoms such as poor social skills and the inability to pay attention.
 ADHD is genetic and can be inherited from either parent or both.
 If you suspect you may have ADHD see a professional to confirm your suspicions as this condition is easy to manage with lifestyle changes including improved diet, quality sleep and appropriate exercise.
 Counseling is a valuable tool as it helps with focus and organization. In some cases medication can help with the related irritability, depression and anxiety. Asking family and friends for help is a win-win situation for everyone as it gives you a good support system and helps them to understand what you are experiencing.
 If you have a friend or loved one with ADHD here are suggestions for helping this person. 
 First educate yourself, then help him or her find quality treatment, be a good listener, communicate clearly, be an encourager and most important engage in good self-care.
 Be proactive in dealing with this because untreated ADHD has serious consequences such as Clinical Anxiety, Clinical Depression and possible mental illnesses. There are many quality management and treatment options for dealing with ADHD which allow individuals to have a calmer and more productive life.
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