01/29/2025 - 7:00pm
Weiser’s 10 year-old Kolt Harrison won his age division at the Elks Hoop Shoot district contest held at Nampa Christian High School on Saturday, Jan. 4, and will now move on to the Elks State competition set for Saturday, Feb. 8, at the same...
02/04/2025 - 12:33pm
Guest column by Washington County Democratic Chair Linda Strain
I was born and raised in Weiser and have lived in Washington County nearly a lifetime. I graduated from WHS in 1973. My children were educated here and both graduated by 2001. They...

In the final wrestling contest of the home match against Fruitland, Weiser’s entire team was cheering for 157-pound Carlo Apostoli (bottom) who kept the score tight through three rounds. Below, in the varsity 132-pound weight class, Wolverine Cole Ingle won in a 9-3 decision. Photos by Nancy Grindstaff

01/29/2025 - 7:00pm
Weiser wrestling hosted Fruitland this past Wednesday in one of the biggest rivalries in the SRV. Fruitland came out on top this year however there were still some great matches to watch during the dual. Weiser’s middle weights continued their...